Yet another journal-type place for Darcy to rant, rave, and/or recuperate from the world.

Friday, May 9, 2008


Sister M's (one of my visiting teachers) sister, Sister G is having a yard sale this weekend. The first half was today from 8-1. She invited other people from church to sell stuff at her yard sale at her farm in Keymar. I thought that would be a good idea, considering how many books I'm trying to get rid of, so I got some other odds and ends together and asked if I could come sells stuff with her. She said it would be good to have company, so I got the day off work and planned to go.

This morning, when I was getting my last bin of stuff in the car (along with a few other things that wouldn't fit--I had three bins) I had just gotten to the bottom of the grassy hill out front (I wasn't about to lug those bins down the back deck stairs) when I twisted my ankle between it and the sidewalk by the curb. OUCH!

I sat on that bin and had a good cry--about 5-10 minutes' worth--then I got back up and carefully gathered the other stuff, then put it and the bin in the car. Then I hobbled over to the driver's side and made my way to Keymar. Driving a stick with an injured clutch foot was an uncomfortable (but not really excruciating) experience. I got there okay, and Sister G. was so nice, she went back and forth from the house to the garage where she was having the sale and got me ice and water and stuff. She even lent me a cane.

After a while, we went inside, because it was cold and damp and nobody was really coming, so we did a puzzle and watched out the window for cars to come.

Around noon, a couple of her friends came for lunch--she'd invited me to stay for the meal when she let me come to the sale. We had brisket, cucumber, tomatoes, potato salad and broccoli coleslaw. It was all very yummy.

When I was full, I decided it was time to go. The sale was over for the day by then, so it was all good. The only money I'd made was $1.25, because Sister G. bought my extra planisphere and my spare compass.

When I got home, I came in the front door, and literally crawled up the stairs to the second floor. There, I got some ice (the last three cubes), and tried to sit at my desk to finish researching and writing my paper, but even putting the piano bench underneath the desk was uncomfortable.

So I called my parents' house to see if anyone was home who had a car and could drive it. Dad was, so I asked if he could come to my house and get my keys and bank card, then fill up the gas tank and buy me some of those re-freezable ice packs. After that, I lugged all of my reference materials, my left shoe (since I'd taken it off as soon as I got in the house), some water, the cane, my purse, my keys, my phone, a novel and my laptop downstairs so that I could answer the doorbell if it rings as well as finish my Astronomy paper.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, babes. I'm so sorry. *Huggles*
    Why is it always the left ankles? I've injured mine three times, twice really REALLY bad. Do you have an ACE bandage? It's usually good to wrap those types of sprains. (RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) Keep the ankle propped on pillow or two when you sleep so the blood doesn't pool there. Plus, if you run out of ice packs, a bag of frozen peas or corn works just as well because it conforms to the shape of your body. Try to stay off of it as much as you can, ok? *Trust me, walking on it prolongs the problem* Also, take advil or ibuprofen to take the swelling down. I used to take three or four right after injuring my ankle *that puts it about prescription strength or six to eight hundred mg*
    Huggles and Wishes for Getting Well.
    *Totally flashing back to when I found the loose brick in our walkway and hurt myself the first time. I just sat in front of the screen door and started crying, of course this was after I attempted at least once to stand on the ankle and the ankle informed me that that was a very DUMB idea*
