Yet another journal-type place for Darcy to rant, rave, and/or recuperate from the world.

Monday, January 1, 2007

Star Trek Fanfiction by DSDragon

My Star Trek Fanficton
Eternity . . . It's a Long Story - My very first fanfic ever, and the only fanfic I ever wrote for the Star Trek fandom. Conceived when she I the question, "What would happen if the crew of the Enterprise ever got mistaken for the actors who play them when they go back in time to the 20th century?"


  1. i am sorry to be putting my 2 cents worth at the late date. 'but' as they say; the premise above sounds similar to a story I read called "Visit to a Weird Planet " and "Visit to a Weird Planet Revisited" which you can find at

    I can be contacted at or through the L&C message boards I am just posting a point of information.

  2. I wrote this story more than a decade ago, before I even knew that what I was writing was actually called "fan fiction." I've never read Visit to a Weird Planet, or its sequel--I don't ever read Star Trek fan fiction, since I had enough of that ilk when I read the novels.

  3. I don't know the original date of publication of the 2 stories and I am certainly no one who has the right to make insinuations. It was just a point of information. They're all good fanfic.As someone who reads a lot, (but unfortunately can't write a damn) I was just recalling a similar effort I read many years ago (I don't even remember how many years ago). More power to ya for having the courage to write anything, I have read many of the d.s dragon stories (that is you , isn't it?) on the L&C fanfic pages and have enjoyed them very, very much. My deepest respect to your skill . I hope you are not angry at me for the initial comment. I am hank 1905 on the L+C message boards. the anon signatre is merely because I don't how to change it.

  4. It's all good. I don't believe I've seen you around the L&C message boards, but that could just be because in recent months/years I have only stuck to reading fanfic and/or posting in the 50-book challenge threads.

    To change the Anonymous, simply login to your account--if you have one. If you don't have a account, a GMail account will also work for signing into Blogspot.

  5. It has been a while . how are you? Did you ever try the other ST fanfics i mentioned in my earlier notes?I think you might get a kick out of them. Hope all's well with you and yours. I
    really enjoyed your L&C contributions and have re-read them several times. Sincerely hank bernath
