Yet another journal-type place for Darcy to rant, rave, and/or recuperate from the world.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

I forgot to mention . . .

Either Wednesday or Thursday, Kayla went with Anna to get things for Brian at the Humane Society. While they were there, Kayla saw this really cute grey tabby kitten (with brown highlights). It was the only kitten that came up to the outside edge of the cage and played with her, so Kayla bought the kitten, despite her allergy.

The kitten is female, about three weeks old, and Kayla named her Church, after the character in Red vs. Blue. She has to stay in Kayla's room for 10 days after she first got here, since she might spread kennel cough to the other animals in the house if she's not quarantined.

The total number of animals in this household is now seven:

Cali (female)--Kimba's dog, who stays with us since the house Kimba is staying at has a koi pond she doesn't want Cali getting into.

Mandy (female)--Anna's dog.

Brian (also female)--Tim's dog, who stays with us because there's not enough room at his place, and he's going to be marrying Anna in three months and all their pets will have to get along anyway.

James (male)--Anna's only surviving orange tabby cat. (R.I.P. O'Malley)

Tabby (male)--Tim's grey tabby cat, who stays with us for the same reason Brian does.

Church (female)--Kayla's new kitten.

Oreo (female)--Jason's panda hamster.

I've been thinking I might get a dog (I'd get a kitten, but have no desire to be responsible for a single litter box), but that won't be until after the holidays, at least. I also will have to get my room into some semblance of organization before I even think about getting an animal of my own--it's nowhere near dog- or puppy-proof.

Of course, the chances of me finding a dog that I actually like and would want to take home are probably less than one in however many dogs are at the Humane Society off of Patrick Street, and however many are at the shelter off of Rosemont Avenue.

Heck, if I really like it, I might get something other than a dog or a cat--no hamsters, guinea pigs, or anything else really smelly like that though. Maybe a bird or two, though I have no idea how to take care of them, or a snake (if I could get over the "handling live crickets and/or mice" thing).

1 comment:

    Pop in your zip code.
    You wouldn't believe how big that husky has gotten in like two weeks.
    Plus you might wanna consider crate training your dog, if you get a dog. Keeps them out of trouble and out of eating your things when you're away.
