Yet another journal-type place for Darcy to rant, rave, and/or recuperate from the world.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Strangely Rested, Considering

Last night, I was feeling really blah. I had muscle aches/cramps from my rib cage to the middle of my shins.

Around 9-ish, I took some meds, but for the couple of hours it took for those to kick in, I was pretty much miserable. I decided to listen to one of my favorite Discworld novels (Going Postal), to keep my mind off of it, but I couldn't sleep.

Once the meds kicked in, I thought I'd get to actually sleep, but I couldn't find a comfortable position to lay in. Every time I'd find a position that seemed comfortable, there was either an aspect of it that was uncomfortable (due to residual mini-aches that the meds couldn't take care of, or the stretching out of muscles I'd bunched up to try and stop the hurting), or I'd be completely fine for a few minutes before I needed to move again, thereby destroying the comfort.

I had my eyes closed pretty much the whole time, in hopes of getting to sleep. I was still sort of half-listening to Going Postal too, but that helped. I knew if I couldn't remember hearing long stretches of the plot (though I knew I'd heard them while they were playing) I was at least getting some rest, though I couldn't get to anything better than a light doze all night--it was brutal. I kept thinking to myself that it's a good thing I don't have work today.

When I finally got up around ten this morning, however, I felt surprisingly well-rested. That is definitely a good thing.

1 comment:

  1. Did one side hurt worse than the other? Have you ever had your appendix out?
