Yet another journal-type place for Darcy to rant, rave, and/or recuperate from the world.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Have you ever made anything by hand? What was it?

I am a great proponent of learning to make things by hand.  Often, things made by hand are better quality and last longer, because of the maker’s attention to detail and potential weaknesses.  I have made a couple of wooden storage boxes by hand, as well as knitted products such as sweaters, socks, gloves and hats.  I even knitted myself a dress once.  There have been various plastic canvas and cross stitch projects, and when I was younger, my grandma helped me to make a short-legged, short-sleeved jumpsuit.  When I write, I prefer to do a draft by hand, especially for fiction, before revising and typing up the story.  Maybe one day, I’ll be able to build an airplane or something from a kit.  I wonder if there’s such a thing as a motorcycle kit, or if I could just build one out of my imagination.

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