Yet another journal-type place for Darcy to rant, rave, and/or recuperate from the world.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

It's Singles Awareness Day Again

Tuesday, I spent at church (luckily, I only had to walk across the street), working as an election judge. The Board of Elections decided to keep the polls open an extra hour and a half, because the weather was so bad, so they wanted to give people a chance to get there later. Didn't make sense to me; I'd have closed the polls early, for safety's sake, not kept them open so even more people could risk their necks!

Wednesday, my nerves were pretty much shot from the long day, and the roads weren't looking very much better than they had the night before. Not to mention, Weather Bug predicted more bad weather for the day. So I stayed home from work. I managed to get about half of my new book finished (I'd finished The Chimes of Resdorn on Monday night).

The new book is Temeraire: In the Service of the King, and it's actually an omnibus for a trilogy of books: His Majesty's Dragon, Throne of Jade, and Black Powder War. It's by Naomi Novik. I hesitate to call it fantasy, despite the presence of dragons, as there isn't really much (or any) magic involved at all so far.

It just seems to be a tale of what might have happened in the Napoleonic era if there were dragons in the world--which, I have to admit, is extremely cool. I've never been much interested in history, but this book has me wondering what actually happened during that time period, and what the author has changed with her addition of dragons to the mix.

It's that day again. I seem perpetually single on February 14, but oh well. I'll probably just read while I eat dinner tonight, go to class and do the lab, then come home and read some more (if I don't watch A Valentine Carol--I can't remember if I actually got to record it all the way through last year or not) before I go to sleep tonight.

I also have to finish studying this weekend. Since I was at the election all day Tuesday, I missed the Astronomy lecture for chapters 4 and 5. I managed to get through chapter 4 and take notes during the election, but I still have to go through chapter 5. I'll do that on Saturday.

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